There are a couple big take-aways for me from this class. One is how many awesome resources and teaching platforms are out there. I went in knowing how to use Google Docs and that was pretty much it. Now I've become pretty good at Diigo, Evernote, Blogger, Blackboard Collaborate, Google Hangouts and more. On the flip side, the about of resources out there is very overwhelming. I plan on selecting a few that suit me best and attempt to master those, while dabbling in others in order to become familiar and perhaps somewhat proficient.
The other thing I've learned from reading about it is that online courses require a lot of "behind the scenes" prep work. Sure you don't have to deal with naughty and disrespectful students face to face, but the trade off is having to be extremely organized and on the ball. Would I ever like to try it someday? Definitely!
Your blog echoes most of what I experienced with our course work for this class. It was amazing to explore some technologies that could be used in the classroom, but was also overwhelming. I'm just curious how I should selecting the technologies that suit me best?!?